

Tool for creating static websites using tex4ht and some static site generator like jekyll

Notice: this proceject is obsolete. The same functionality is provided by the staticsite extension for make4ht. See this answer for example.

This package simplifies creation of html files suitable for static site generators, such as Jekyll, Middleman or Lettersmith, from LaTeX documents, using tex4ht.

Instead of full html page, document with metadata in frontmatter in YAML format and HTML content of body element is created. Documents in this form can be used by static site generators to compile web sites and blogs.

jekyll4ht script

Variant of make4ht command is provided. It can automatically copy HTML, CSS and images to correct destinations in your static site project directory.

The command is called jekyll4ht, the difference from make4ht is that it has special mode, publish. In this mode, jekyll package is included automatically and all output files are copied to the correct locations in the static site (static site generator must be called manually). The command options are the same as of make4ht.


jekyll4ht -uc sample.cfg filename

will create complete HTML document in the current directory

jekyll4ht -uc sample.cfg -m publish filename

will create HTML file with YAML header and it will save it as YYYY-MM-DD-document-title.html in the posts directory. All included and and generated images will be saved in the img directory.

Generated filename is saved in $input.published file, it will be reused in future compilations. If you want to change the post date, delete the generated file in the static site and $input.published.


Because variety of static site generators are supported, configuration file can be used to specify the locations where output files should be put.

You can use default configuration suitable for Jekyll generator, only JEKYLL4HT_BASE environment variable must be set. It should point to the root of your static site.

export JEKYLL4HT_BASE=~/myblog

If you want to modify the configuration, the configuration file must be provided. It should be named .jekyll4ht. It is looked up in the current directory, all of its parents, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/jekyll4ht/.jekyll4ht and $HOME/.jekyll4ht. This enables you to have multiple static sites in your computer.

Possible structure of your static site could be:


In this example, two directories are set up in the blog directory, root where jekyll project is placed and texfiles with TeX source codes of the posts. Particular posts are placed in subdirectories, they share configuration file .jekyll4ht in the texfiles directory.

It's minimal contents may look this way:

base = "~/blog/root/"

A configuration file is sandboxed LUA code, configuration values are saved in global variables (without local keyword)


base = "" 
posts = "./_posts"
css  =  "./css"
img  =  "./img"
nametpl =  "${date}-${slug}.html"
publish_mode = "publish"
image_extensions = {"jpg","png","svg","gif"}
excerpt_count = 1
excerpt_pattern = '([%a%s%<%>%/]+</p>)'
excerpt_separator = "\n<!--more-->\n"
build_file = nil   -- don't use default build file


posts, css and img directories should be specified relatively to the base dir. The default values should work for Jekyll.


publish_mode specifies mode option used for publishing.

nametpl can be used to change the post name, variables are specified as ${var-name}. Default value save the file with published date and sanitized title. Original file name is available as ${input}.


Image files must be copied to the img dir and all links to these files must be fixed in the HTML. image_extensions specifies image extensions to be handled.


It is possible to insert special mark in the HTML file to specify the excerpt. Excerpt is part of document shown in the article list or in the RSS feed.

excerpt_pattern specifies regular expression which matches text after which excerpt_separator is inserted. The excerpt_pattern may match multiple matches, you can specify after which one the separator should be inserted with excerpt_count. # jekyll package

If you don't want to use excerpts or if you want to handle it yourself in a custom build file, set excerpt_separator as nil.

Build file

You can specify default make4ht build file with build_file.

jekyll package

It is not necessary to use jekyll package directly in your document if you use jekyll4ht command, as it is included automatically when the finished document is published. It is included in this example only to illustrate the YAML configuration.

Example document:

\title{Hello world}
Hello world from \verb|Jekyll4ht|


title: Hello world 
style: sample.css 
layout: post 
language: cs-CZ 
date: 2015-03-18 
Hello world from <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 


The metadata block is enclosed in --- ... --- section. Metadata are derived automatically, although you can add new properties or change default values. Each property is configurable using \Configure{Jekyll.propertyname}{new value} in the .cfg file.

New properties are declared using \Configure{JekyllDeclare} and added to the list of used properties with \Configure{JekyllAddProperty}

Example: hello.cfg:

% Redefine date
% Declare property hello
\Configure{JekyllDeclare}{hello}{\JekyllPrintString}{default value}

(note that % after \begin{document} is important, you would get trailing space otherwise, resulting in invalid YAML frontmatter)

\Configure{JekyllDeclare} takes three parameters: property name, print function and default value, which may be string, or command. Only string function available is \JekyllPrintString at the moment, but in the future more functions may be added, for blocks or arrays, for example.

Resulting HTML:

title: Hello world 
style: sample.css 
layout: post 
language: cs-CZ 
date: 2015-03-16 
hello: world 
Hello world from <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
jekyll logo

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