

Professional homepage built as a SPA using Jekyll and Google Earth images


This is a basic homepage.

How to Add Posts

To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.

Overview of Process for Starting this Site from Scratch

  • Create Github Repo
  • Clone using SSH
  • cd into root project directory
  • gem install jekyll bundler
    • this is done to allow Jekyll to create a project with the Minima theme
  • Jekyll new . --force
  • add theme to gemfile
  • bundle install
  • update _config.yml
  • bundle exec jekyll serve

Things to Fix

  • trim down and fix layouts
  • host gstatic images locally
  • move blog to entirely separate jekyll project that's designed for handling lots of content


  • to HTML5 UP, for the Dimension design
  • to Andrew Banchich, for writing the dimension_jekyll_theme gem