

This is Noe's CV powered by jekyll

This is Noe Nieto's Resumé

This site was made with Jekyll using the modern-resume-theme.

This repo has github actions to deploy this repo automatically to my site. I used lemonarc/jekyll-action to build the site and Pendect/action-rsyncer to upload the changes to the server.

Setup guide

This is mostly for a future me in case I don't remember how to set this up again (e.g. new laptop).

First, install bundler.

For fedora:

sudo dnf install rubygems ruby-devel redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++

On Debian 10.9 I did:

sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev bundler

Now run bundler:

bundle install

[!NOTE] If you have problems with some gem version, try deleting the Gemfile.lock file and run bundle install again.

Updating the resume

./dev watch

Building the resume

./dev build


./dev deploy

Aaand, that's it.