

Basic starter files for Jeykll livestream

#Jekyll livestream

I've been meaning to get my site redone for a while now as I'm bored with the current one - evident in it's lack of activity recently.

I've been using Wordpress to run my site for a few years now and while I still think it's a great platform, it's overkill for what I acually need in my website.

There's been a fair amount of talk about Jekyll in my feed so I've been looking in to it, and it looks perfect for what I need.

##Why stream?

The lack of any sort of time restriction in the past is probably what's most to blame for me not getting this rebuild done sooner. A few people watching me fumble my way through the process should be a pretty good motivational tool.

I've created this repo to show what I'm going to be starting with. It's all pretty basic. The posts I'd like to keep have been converted to Markdown beforehand as no-one wants to watch me do that.


I'll be using the following while building:

Streaming via USTREAM.

Not sure if I'll use these, but they may pop up:

  • Photoshop CS6.
  • GitHub.

If you tune in and want to ask something, your best bet would be via Twitter rather than UStream's chat window.