

front end development of a new website for Louisiana Biomedical Research Network using Jekyll

LBRN New Website Project Front-End Development Assets

Project Overview:

This repository is used to share the front-end resources for the currently "under construction" Louisiana Biomedical Research Network website (new as of Summer 2017).

Technologies Used:

All deliverables are to be rendered in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. That said, the project takes advantage of a number of frameworks to render these deliverables quickly.

Sass is a CSS pre-processor that enhances the functionality of CSS. All production styling is written in SASS (using the .scss extension).

In addition to SASS, this project uses a sass framework called Compass. Compass is also being extended using two compass plug-ins: Susy, which allows for the creation of flexible grids, and Breakpoint, which handles media queries more gracefully.

Scripting includes jQuery, which is linked into the pages using a CDN.

All templating and content management is done using Jekyll, a static site generator with strong GitHub integration.


The final rendered files are placed in the "_site" directory. the original sass filles in the "sass" directiory, and the compiled css files in (you guessed it) the "css" directory.

most of the actual page content is placed in the .md or .html files in the root, but some of the news and event posts are generated on build.

A few tricky ones:

  • Markup for the home page is actually in the "_layouts" directory, named home.html
  • Some of those .md or .html page will contain code that is enclosednin either {{}} or {%%}. That is liquid, and it is mostly self explanatory, and only references other files (like templates in _layouts, or code blocks in _includes, etc.).
  • A working sample of the site so far can be found HERE

**keep in mind, links may need to be altered in HTML, dynamic content is commented in the files.