

A preprocessor for Jekyll blog posts that helps you to concentrate on writing


Majek is a preprocessor for Jekyll blog posts that helps you to concentrate on writing. It allows you to include other files from your Markdown (thanks to md_inc) and produce posts in Jekyll format.

Majek is especially helpful when you're writing Markdown with a tool like iA Writer that is more about prose and less about code. Instead of including bulky code snippets directly in your Markdown file, you simply insert short commands like .inc 'foo.txt' or .highlight 'bar.rb', 'ruby', which will then be expanded by Majek.


You can install Majek via RubyGems:

$ gem install majek

Alternatively, you can install the gem from source:

$ git clone git://
$ cd majek/
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake install


usage: majek [<markdown file>]

Simply pass Majek a Markdown file and it will do the following (if the file is absent, Majek reads from the standard input):

  • read the contents of the Markdown file
  • process the text with md_inc which provides commands to include other text files, code snippets, and much more (see Commands)
  • add Jekyll's YAML front matter with post layout and post title (will be configurable in the future)
  • output the final text to screen


Majek provides all commands that come with md_inc as well as some additional commands for Jekyll and Octopress:


  • .inc path
  • .code_inc path [,language]

Read the documentation of md_inc to learn more.


  • .highlight path, language


  • .blockquote path [,attributes...]
  • .codeblock path [,attributes...]
  • .pullquote path [,attributes...]
  • .gist [attributes...]
  • .img [attributes...]
  • .include_code [attributes...]
  • .jsfiddle [attributes...]
  • .render_partial [attributes...]
  • .video [attributes...]


Given a standard Markdown file like this:

$ cat
# One Month of Coderwall Protips

On 1 January 2013, I signed up on [Coderwall]( -- a place
for developers to share tips and connect with one another. I've been ...

Majek will produce text that is ready to be fed into Jekyll:

$ majek
layout: post
title: "One Month of Coderwall Protips"

On 1 January 2013, I signed up on [Coderwall]( -- a place
for developers to share tips and connect with one another. I've been ...

The second example shows one of the Octopress commands in action:

By stubbing out Chef's `include_recipe` method before the converge, Chef will
not include any recipes during the test run:

.codeblock 'snippets/stub-spec.rb', 'lang:ruby'

This requires a bit of symlink trickery to work though.

The result will include the Ruby code from the specified file (Jekyll stuff stripped for brevity):

By stubbing out Chef's `include_recipe` method before the converge, Chef will
not include any recipes during the test run:

{% codeblock lang:ruby %}
require 'chefspec'

describe 'The recipe foo::default' do
  let (:chef_run) do
    Chef::Recipe.any_instance.stub(:include_recipe) 'foo::default'
  # ...
{% endcodeblock %}

This requires a bit of symlink trickery to work though.


Majek is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE file.
