

This template was created to accompany "Hosting a Public-facing Class Blog with GitHub pages and Jekyll" at Enriching Scholarship 2024.


This template was created to accompany the session

Hosting a Public-facing Class Blog with GitHub pages and Jekyll

presented by Matthew Andres Moreno and Acacia Ackles at Enriching Scholarship 2024.

Live Demo

How to Create a Blog Post

  1. Use the Add File > Create new file button to add a new file _posts/ where year-mm-dd is today's date and "slug" a keyword or two (containing only alphanumeric, -, and_ characters).
  2. Paste in the following boilerplate and fill in your desired content.
    layout: post
    author: Your name goes here
    title: Title goes here
    Blog post content goes here.
  3. Click Commit changes in the upper right. Then you have two choices: a. to immediately add the post to the blog, use the Commit directly to the main branch option. b. to begin a review process before posting (i.e., for peer feedback), use the Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request option.
  4. If you posted the content for immediate release, wait about one minute for site build and deploy to complete. You can monitor this process from the Actions pane of the repository page ( Otherwise, your pull request should be visible on the Pull requests pane of the repository page ( The blog entry will be posted once you click Merge pull request at the bottom of your pull request's page.

How to Set up Your Own Blog

  1. Click Use this template > Create a new repository on GitHub or click here.
  2. Set the Repository name with the URL where the blog should appear. For example, choosing repository-name would result in the blog being served at
  3. Click Create Repository at the bottom right of the repository creation page.
  4. Navigate to the new repository's page,
  5. Click the _config.yaml file to open it. Then, click the pencil icon in the upper right ("Edit this file") to edit.
  6. Change url field to (substituting your username and repository name).
  7. Click the Commit Changes button in the top right, then Commit Changes on the confirmation panel that appears.
  8. Navigate to the Settings > Pages pane of your repository page (
  9. Set your deployment branch as main and your deployment directory as / (root).
  10. Click the enforce https checkbox.
  11. Wait about one minute for site build and deploy to complete. You can monitor this process from the Actions pane of the repository page (
  12. Once the deployment completes (green checkmark), your page should be available at

More Information

For more information, see our slide deck at