

A boilerplate project with grunt running jekyll


Created using grunt to run jekyll for a multi-page static site.


  1. Ruby
  2. NodeJS


  1. run gem install bundler
  2. run bundle install
  3. run npm install
  4. run npm install grunt-cli
  5. run npm install bower
  6. run bower install

Building and Serving

This project uses Grunt to build, serve, and handle asset concatination and minification. Jekyll tasks are triggered by Grunt when we need to build site pages or compile sass files. So, the only commands you need to worry about running are two basic grunt tasks.

  • grunt or grunt build will create a production ready _dist folder, with all the static html and assets.
  • grunt serve will build the site to a .jekyll folder, and serve it at http://localhost:4000. Grunt watches for changes and will update as needed, without regenerating everything, everytime.