

Jekyll theme for websites


This repository contains the file of the theme used across MNH48 websites. The theme is written to be used in Github Pages environment with the kramdown parser, either directly on Github or by local Jekyll serve instance that had been setup to run Github Pages gem.

How to use the theme?

  1. Open your _config.yml file where you store your Github Page site setting.
  2. Paste remote_theme: mnh48/mnh48moe-theme in a new line.
  3. Save and close it.
  4. Copy the /_data directory and paste it at your site root.
  5. Edit the files in /_data to reflect your site, you can safely remove any language in there that you are not using.


This theme, which is used for the website layout for various MNH48 websites, is released under The MIT license, this includes the files in the /_layouts, /_data, and /_includes directories.

The CSS files used has been moved to my server for consistency reason where source is not available temporarily, but the source will be re-release again later. They are still licensed under The MIT license even when source is moved temporarily, people who used the CSS before the move can continue to use it while I sort it for new version release.

The example website that is generated from this theme, which lives at, and its source markdown files in this repository, are also all licensed under The MIT license.