

Cards Jekyll Theme - Responsive Column Cards


Responsive Column Cards

Cards Jekyll Theme is Responsive Column Cards for static website or blog with features:

  • Clean homepage three cards
  • Related cards post from sub-categories
  • Navigation post
  • Pagination post
  • 404 not found
  • SEO tag
  • robots.txt
  • ads.txt
  • Google adsense support (demo)
  • Cookie notification

You can fork and use this theme from here, feel free to removing the footer credit. But if you download this theme and you want remove the footer credit without fork you can contact me for about it or just buy me coffee to my PayPal.

Quick Start Guide

1. Fork this Cards Jekyll Theme
2. Go to the "Settings" scroll down to GitHub Pages Source, and select the gb-pages Branch.

3. Back to the main repository, and select the gb-pages from Branch tree to edit _config.yml file.
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