A minimalistic reveal.js theme for Jekyll.
This theme loads the latest reveal.js from CloudFlare's cdnjs service. This means you have to be online when you load your slideshow for the first time, so if you anticipate spotty conference WiFi, you might want to do that ahead of time. You might also want to pin the tab or something so you don't close it accidentally.
Note this theme doesn't currently expose many of reveal.js' configuration options. I hope to add more support for these over time.
I created this project because:
There are other ways to install and use themes, but the method presented here is the easiest way I've found to avoid cluttering your slides repo with implementation details.
Install Ruby with rbenv, Bundler, and GitHub Pages, if you haven't already:
$ rbenv install 2.4.1
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle init
$ tee -a Gemfile <<'EOF'
gem 'github-pages', '~> 202'
$ bundle install
$ curl -o '.gitignore' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/gitignore/master/Jekyll.gitignore
Add the benbalter/jekyll-remote-theme plugin to _config.yml
- jekyll-remote-theme
... then run bundle install
Note that, because you made changes to _config.yml
, you will need to restart jekyll serve
Use this project as your remote theme by adding a remote_theme
line to _config.yml
remote_theme: mparker17/jekyll-theme--revealjs@master
Note that, because you made changes to _config.yml
, you will need to restart jekyll serve
You likely also want to set this theme's default layout (i.e.: /_layouts/default.html
) as the default for all pages your repo (using Front Matter Defaults), so you don't have to manually specify the layout in the front matter of each file.
To do this, add the following to _config.yml
path: ""
layout: "default"
Note that, because you made changes to _config.yml
, you will need to restart jekyll serve
You likely want to add the github/jekyll-commonmark-ghpages plugin so you can mix HTML (i.e.: to delimit slides) and Markdown (i.e.: for ease-of-use) more easily.
To do this, add the following to _config.yml
- jekyll-commonmark-ghpages
markdown: CommonMarkGhPages
options: ["SMART", "FOOTNOTES"]
extensions: ["strikethrough", "autolink", "table", "tagfilter"]
... then run bundle install
Note that, because you made changes to _config.yml
, you will need to restart jekyll serve
Create one Jeykll page for each slideshow (yes, per slideshow; not per slide, nor per section).
I generally create three slideshows in a repo:
below the summary,speaker-notes.md
below the summary, if applicable.