

iCloud Shared Album → GitHub Action → Jekyll data files


A GitHub Action that fetches a from an iCloud shared album, commits the images into the repository, and then generate a data file to the _data directory to be used for generating a JSON feed with Jekyll.

This is meant as a demostration for an Instagram-like <story-view> demo, so the images should be 9:16. Add each image individually to an album to include a caption.

End result.

Steps to setup:

  1. Have an iCloud Shared Album ready.

  2. Fork this repository.

  3. Edit _config.yml with your info.

  4. Set repository secret ICLOUD_TOKEN at<username>/stories-feed-action/settings/secrets/actions. You'd need to publish the iCloud shared album as a website, and the token value would be B0000000000 from its full URL

  5. Turn on GitHub pages at<username>/stories-feed-action/settings/pages

  6. Manually trigger a workflow dispatch event at<username>/stories-feed-action/actions/workflows/stories.yml to see images being added to the repository.

  7. See something like this (GIF) at https://<username>

  8. With the GitHub iOS app, you'll be able to set up a Shortcut to dispatch the workflow event right from your phone.

This GitHub Action commits the images in the repository, which frankly aren't that great performance-wise. I recommend checking out Cloudflare Images.

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