Welcome to my personal GitHub Pages repository. Here, you'll find a collection of my projects, articles, and coding adventures. Join me on my journey in the world of software development and technology. Explore, learn, and collaborate with me on exciting projects. Let's build the future together!

Personal Portfolio Card āš”

Website Preview

Make Sure to ā­ the Repo if You liked it

šŸ“‹ Features

āš”ļø Open-Source
āš”ļø Valid HTML5 & CSS3
āš”ļø Easy to modify

šŸ“¦ Installation & Deployment

  • Clone the repository and modify the content of index.html according to your requirement.
  • Add or remove images from directory as per your requirement.
  • I highly recommend to use Github Pages to deploy the website in EASIEST WAY.
  • To deploy your website, first you need to create github repository with name <your-github-username> Please don't give any other name.
  • Push the generated code to the master branch of this repository.

To view a live example, click here

šŸ› ļø Tools Used

šŸš€ Contributing

Step 1: Clone The Repo šŸ’”

Fork the repository and then clone it locally by doing -

git clone

Step 2: Build Your Code šŸ”Ø

Start your magic by modifying the code and making changes of your own. Then push the commit using -

git add .
git commit -m "<your commit message here>"
git push YOUR_REPO_URL develop

Step 3: Create a new pull request šŸ”ƒ

After cloning & setting up the local project you can push the changes to your github fork and make a pull request.

Made with :heart: by Muhammad Fiaz