My personal website made in 11ty. My online and PDF CV are synced using pandoc.

This is the repository for my personal website, It is built using 11ty.

Folder layout

All of the interpreted files are in the src folder. The src folder is organized as follows:

├── assets
│   ├── css
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── headshot.png
│   │   └── posts
│   │       ├── YEAR1
│   │       └── YEAR2
│   ├── pdfs
├── blog.liquid
├── _data
├── feed.xml.liquid
├── _includes
│   ├── sass
│   │   ├── base
│   │   ├── components
│   │   ├── fonts
│   │   └── pages
│   ├── tools
├── index.liquid
├── _layouts
├── _papers
├── _posts
└── sitemap.xml.liquid


This folder contains all of the assets that are used by the code of the site.

  • The css folder contains the SASS import file that generates the CSS for the site.
  • The images folder contains all of the images that are processed by eleventy-img.
  • The pdfs folder contains all of the PDFs used on the site. These are passed through to the site without any processing. However, they are still scanned by eleventy for inclusion in the sitemap with accurate lastmod dates.


This folder contains all of the data files that are used by the site. These are all JSON files.


This folder contains all of the partials that are used by the site. These are all liquid files. The folder also contains the sass folder which contains the SASS files that are used to generate the CSS for the site. These files are imported for final use in src/assets/css/main.scss.


This folder contains the layout templates that are used by the site (eg. src/_layouts/post.liquid). There are no layout files in the _includes folder. These are all liquid files.


This folder contains metadata for all papers that are listed on the site. The metadata is included in the frontmater of the paper and the body of the document contains the paper's abstract.


This folder contains all of the blog posts that are listed on the site. These are output to dist/blog.


This folder contains all of the static files that are passed through to the site without any processing. These files are outputted to dist/assets/static and are not scanned for inclusion in the sitemap.