

Jekyll plugin for deploying the generated static site to a server via FTP.

FTP Deploy Jekyll Plugin

Jekyll plugin for deploying the generated static site to a server via FTP.


Copy ftp_deploy.rb to the _plugins folder of your Jekyll project and then run jekyll build. When the site has built it will ask you if you want to deploy, type yes to deploy. The FTP password will be asked for in the terminal and the other required variables (username, FTP site URL, and remote directory) will be read from the project's _config.yml file as shown below.

# Add the following to the _config.yml file.
    ftp_username: [email protected]
    ftp_url: ftp.yourdomain.com
    ftp_dir: /blog # or / for root


You can configure the software to skip certain files/folders by editing the ignore_list and skip_list variables in the main script.

# Example

# Items to ignore when cleaning the FTP deploy directory.
ignore_list = [".ftpquota", "cgi-bin"]

# ...

# Items to skip when deploying.
skip_list = [".DS_Store", "Icon?"]


This project uses the Highline gem.


The software is covered under the MIT license.