

A simple Jekyll theme

layout: default title: README

Lightload Jekyll Theme

A crisp, clean, pure Jekyll theme free of gaudy icons and superfluous imagery. Colors and fonts are customizable.


A sample site with in-example documentation is available here.



  • Ruby
  • Jekyll


  1. Clone or fork a copy from github at
  2. cd ~/thatPlaceYouPutIt
  3. jekyll build
  4. jekyll serve
  5. Point your browser to localhost:4000

Site directory structure

Pages go in the root directory, articles go into the wiki/ folder.

Specify the contents of the navigation menu by editing _data/navigation.yml.

Font & color customization

See Theme Configuration for details.

Custom Liquid Tags

Have added, er borrowed, a few Liquid template tags

{% newthought "When in the course of human events" %}

{% newthought "When in the course of human events" %}

{% fullwidth "assets/image/platonic-solids.jpg" "The 5 Platonic Solids" %}

{% fullwidth "assets/image/platonic-solids.jpg" "The 5 Platonic Solids" %}

Notes about quotes in Liquid tags

The custom Liquid tags are designed to simplify writing content and displaying it with the tufte-css look. Here are a few notes on using quotes inside the tags.

  • Liquid tags work best when you use double quotes to surround the tag parameters, as you'll see in all the examples below.

  • You can use single quotes and apostrophes in the text inside tag parameters. Liquid will automatically process them correctly. For example: {% newthought "I'm so smart!" %} will render as I'm so smart!

  • To use a double quote in the text inside a tag parameter, escape the double quote by placing a backslash directly in front of it, for example: {% newthought "\"I'm so smart!\", she thought." %} will render as "I'm so smart!", she thought.

  • You can use HTML inside of a tag parameter. (However, you cannot use Markdown inside a tag parameter) You can use either single quotes, or escaped double quotes in the HTML.