

A jekyll plugin to optimize images for the web


A jekyll plugin to optimize images for the web. It reads all the images in a source directory and saves optimized versions of them to a destination directory and creates a symbolic link to the destination directory.

Install it with gem install jekyll-image_optimizer.

Add this to your plugins/ext.rb file: require 'jekyll/image_optimizer'.

The following options for _config.yml are available:

Option Description Default value
raw_images the directory containing the unoptimized images img/raw
opt_images the directory containing the optimized images img/opt
images_link the name of the symbolic link pointing to opt_images images
image_geometry the size all images should be, is an ImageMagick geometry string and may be an array 800x800>
image_hash if the optimized image files should be appended with a hash to enable unlimited caching true
image_layout the file containing the template for the image tag (inside _layouts folder) image.html

The plugin defines two liquid tags: srcset and image. To include an image with multiple resolutions (using scrset) into a post, do the following:

In _layouts/image.html define the template of an image. For example:

<img srcset="{% srcset {{image.index}} %}" alt="{{image.alt}}"/>

In the front matter of the post, add

    -   url: my_image.jpg
        alt: My Alt
        layout: my-image.html

and reference the image using {% image 0 %} where 0 is the index of the image. The optional layout parameter overwrites the image_layout parameter in _config.yml.