

A jekyll/gulp boilerplate to quickly get up and running with static pages to deploy to Github pages for example

Jekyll 3 and Gulp Boilerplate

So, this is a totally opinionated skeleton to get a Jekyll 3 site up and running.


This thing uses:

  • Jekyll 3
  • Gulp
  • Browsersync
  • Sass
  • Normalize

Setting up

  1. Install bundler (gem install bundler)
  2. Install gems with bundle install
  3. Get all the needed node modules with npm install
  4. Fire the whole thing up: gulp (Google Chrome opens, everythings waiting for you to change .md, .html, .scss, etc etc and will auto reload everything)


Run gulp build:prod to build to project out to a directory called prod.

Have fun firing out Jekyll goodness to the world