my OLD jekyll-based website (2018 — ca. 2020)

What is this?

Well, the styles and data behind my personal blog page...


npm run clean – as you'd expect npm run build – builds (a single time, no watch, no nothing) npm run rebuild – clean & build

npm run watch – watches Jekyll content files, however not _config.yml. → localhost:4000 npm start – alias to that

npm superwatch – deluxe version, watching for _config.yml changes (task: restart) and restarts browser-sync (reload) as needed. → localhost: 4001

npm run deploy – uploads to server according to credentials (securely placed outside), using lftp


  • _config.yml changes can cause a 2-3s delay, in particular together with live reloading, but will eventually load.

  • changes to .yaml menu files, added/removed files (in particular the automatic listing of blog entries) might not be picked up by incremental watch

    npm run build helps. (rebuild is overdone.) That`s why contains it

    → dedicated touches of the .yaml/iteration-bearing .htlm-File also help. And avoid manual refresh needs.

    • touch _pages/ → updates bloglist (iteration)
    • touch _includes/header.html → updates bloglist (menu-header.yaml)


Theme used is derived from the “Hacker Theme” licensed (waived) under CC-0.

Theme uses rouge syntax coloring, based on original base16 by Chris Kempson under MIT License.