'NORTBOTICS' Jekyll eCommerce Theme

This is the Jekyll theme I use for the NORTBOTICS eCommerce site. Originally based off of 'Jekyll Incorporated', it has been highly customized and edited. I found that no other Jekyll users had tried to do eCommerce - so ended up figuring much of it out on my own. It's not anything special, just a lot of common sense I think. I have much more to do, but I think this is a good start - so why not opensource it and let others use it.

See this theme being put to use at Nortbotics.com

How do you do cart management on a static site?

We use FoxyCart. So far so good.

Installation & Usage

bundle install
jekyll serve --watch

Note: Requires Ruby version 1.9.3 =>. For example use rbenv


Edit: _config.yml (general options), main.css (theme colors & fonts)

├── _config.yml
├── _assets/
    ├── stylesheets/
        ├── main.scss

Note: when editing config.yml, you need to restart jekyll to see the changes.

Publish to Github Pages

... ran into some issues here with a plugin. Will try again soon.


This site was made by Joe Norton. This is a derived work from another Jekyll theme named 'Jekyll Incorporated'.

Joe Norton

This site is available under the following copyright, however - all posts, product text, project text and page text is not included. Those items are not included in this licensing. The only things included in in this license is the site code, and files. I want people to be able to make their own Jekyll eCommerce sites, but I do not want people to simply rehost content I created for my own site. Kapeesch!

Copyright 2014 NORTBOTICS under CC-BY-SA 4.0

You MAY NOT use any blogposts, articles, guides, or any other substantial portions of text on the site without the expressed written permission of NORTBOTICS.

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