You can see the template for the bibliography here and the template for the lists here.
Basically, for every tag (eg. reputation), the list template loops over the entire database and only returns papers that have this tag. The syntax looks pretty weird because it's written in a template language called liquid. I used it because GitHub can read liquid templates to generate the site.
I describe the steps below
{% assign sorted = site.papers | sort:"year" | reverse %}
{% for paper in sorted %}
{% if page.category == nil or paper.categories contains page.category %}
{% if page.tag == nil or paper.tags contains page.tag %}
<a href="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/pdf/{{ paper.pdf }}" target="_blank">{{ paper.title }}</a>
{%- if paper.authors.size > 1 -%}
{{ ' ' }}(with {{ paper.authors | where_exp:"item", "item !=" | join: " and "}})
{%- endif %},
{% if paper.journal -%}
<em>{{ paper.journal }}</em>,
{%- endif %}
{{ paper.year }}
<a href="{{ paper.url | absolute_url }}" target="_blank">[bib]</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The bib template is more self explanatory. For each paper, it just dumps all of the information from the database into bib format.
If you do not have access to this repository, you can email someone who committed recently. You should be able to find my email on my GitHub profile.