


What is this?

  1. crawl your hackmd notes automatically
  2. generate static site using jekyll
  3. deploy to your website ( now support heroku... )


  1. support Github Page
  2. docker


Example site

hackmd: https://hackmd.io/MYDmFYHYE4DZILQBMBmSDMCAsIkFMEBDEcTcfYLWY2AI2miA?view

heroku: http://oalieno-blog.herokuapp.com/


the project is just python script ready to execute, but you need to install something first


follow the instructions on https://jekyllrb.com/ to setup jekyll


follow the instructions on https://andycroll.com/ruby/serving-a-jekyll-blog-using-heroku/ to upload your site to heroku

if you got this error: ... does not have a valid date in the YAML front matter

solution : exclude: [..., vendor] in _config.yml ( from https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2938 )


edit config.py for some custom value

time_gap: update frequency ( second )

links_hash: your target list hackmd-hash

upload_script: currently just upload-heroku.sh

Get start

each note in hackmd is identify by a hash ( the one in the url ), we call it hackmd-hash

put all your notes hackmd-hash like this: https://hackmd.io/MYDmFYHYE4DZILQBMBmSDMCAsIkFMEBDEcTcfYLWY2AI2miA?view

Your markdown on hackmd should look like this ( title and date is mandatory )

title: my_title
date: 2017-08-31
tags: my_tag_1 my_tag2
your contents goes here

git clone this directory and place it under your jekyll project folder

git clone https://github.com/OAlienO/hackmd2jekyll.git
python server.py