

A quick Jekyll SSG for the PEAPH Archive

Phillips Exeter Academy Puzzle Hunt Archive


Hello there! This archive is a work-in-progress. We are currently working on proper solution documentation for all of our past puzzles, and are about 50% complete. Past specific puzzle content, we are thinking of some day including on here some of our design methodology and puzzle-crafting "best-practices" (much alike this lovely blog post).

The Arecibo observatory collapsed recently, proving our hopeful extra-terrestrial contact a "no-go," which means, sadly, we will not be able to archive or provide solutions for ongoing / future hunts. Once a future hunt is complete, however, in due time it will make its way onto this site.

Note: The search toolbar in the top left does work! With a larger group's support, I am thinking of tagging each puzzle by keyword sometime in the future to allow more search possibilities than just name or authorship.

The RunDocs theme used for this site is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License