

Reading markdown files that have frontmatter in it and spitting them in views with Sinatra

Markdown Spike

This is a SPIKE made as a proof of concept for a Sinatra app that reads markdown files that contain frontmatter at the top.

These files could have been produced to be used with Jekyll or they could have been produced by

The files live in a content/posts directory at the root of this repo (which is not provided). You could also have other kind of files like content/events or content/summaries etc. as you need them.

Ruby YAML library is used to extract the frontmatter. The markdown of the file is parsed to html by the RDiscount gem as recommended in Sinatra's official documentation on Markdown Templates.


Clone the repo and:

bundle install

Run the app

This is a spike, so there isn't anything fancy:

ruby app.rb

Then go to http://localhost:3000.


This is not the most elegant code! Don't do it like this! Use proper objects! :slightly_smiling_face:

The main page lists all the ways you can use markdown with Sinatra and the blog link is the one that implements reading markdown files that contain frontmatter.

Read the code in app.rb to see how the routes work.

The bits that read the markdown files containing frontmatter are in the /blog/ and /blog/:slug