

A one page jekyll template for SWG websites.

OGC ghpages-SWG-template

This is the gh-pages jekyll template for all of the SWG that have an associated website. To learn how to use this template you can start here:

Example build site:

Making the template your own:

First thing to do is fork this repo to your repo and set it as the gh-pages branch of your repo

You will want to edit the _config.yml file with the appropriate settings. The most obvious change being the title:StandardName. You will want to change this to reflect the name of the standard for which you are working with.

The _data directory contains the files that need to edited for each section of the site:

about.yml This is the section below the header section.

covertopic.yml This is the first section and contains the logos, links and latest news.

examples.yml This section is below the about section.

news.yml This content is found in the Latest News block. The feed.xml file lists the items in the news.yml file.

jekyll logo

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