

Customizations to blend the style of Tufte-CSS into the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme


Customizations to blend the style of Tufte-CSS into the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme

This is a drop-in set of files for customizing the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme with styles and page layouts from the Tufte Pandoc Jekyll theme. This project has been forked from the Tufte Pandoc theme and tries to keep up with its features and version numbering.

:warning: This is not a self-contained theme and still requires Minimal Mistakes to be installed.


One might think, at first, that blending the minimalistic Tufte CSS with a highly structured theme such as Minimal Mistakes would debase both projects, so why bother? For starters, the Minimal Mistakes framework is quite flexible and can easily be made very plain—all you have to do is edit a few data and config files to disable the bells and whistles. Even then, should you require the occasional frills or the robust support Minimal Mistakes has for authors, archives, and collections, they are easy to activate.


  • Tufte Pandoc CSS forked from the Tufte Pandoc Jekyll theme (requires Pandoc sidenote)
  • Sass file structure from Minimal Mistakes, including the ability to customize variables
  • Sidenotes and margin notes are expanded only in the wide and splash page classes (see the Minimal Mistakes docs); elsewhere they use the toggle button for narrow screens
  • Supports utility classes in Minimal Mistakes (use the Pandoc syntax {.text-center} rather than the Kramdown {: .text-center} and so on)


  • Extract (or submodule, or check out) the *.scss files from this repository into the _sass directory of your Jekyll project.
  • Copy main.scss and revealjs-main.scss to /assets/css/.