

Lamda for publishing to med ium blog

Jekyll WRLD3d website AWS Lamda - Medium API integration

This lambda is used to create posts on Medium through its API. A lambda is used because Medium doesn't allow cross site scripting, and Jekyll doesn't have a backend server from which it can make the call.


  1. NodeJS Install LTS version 6 (using PPA)
  2. AWS CLI
  3. Serverless

Testing locally

This will test your lambda locally, it will not deploy to AWS. The command sls may be used inplace of writting serverless.

$> sls invoke local -f createPost 

With debugging

$> SLS_DEBUG=* sls invoke local -f createPost

Complete example (replace env vars with correct values)

$> medium_client_id=1 medium_client_secret=2 medium_access_token=3 sls invoke local -f createPost --data '{"body": {"title": "hello", "body": "world"}}'

Deploying to AWS Lambda

$> sls deploy

Environment variables

Enviroment variables are defined on the lambda entry on AWS. When running locally you must specify them on the command line.

The environment variables used by this lambda are from Medium, found under Jekyll React Integration Test

The following environment variables must be set when running this lambda locally too:

  1. medium_client_id
  2. medium_client_secret
  3. medium_client_access_token