Personal Outreach

Personal GitHub Pages repository.
Powered by Jekyll. Flavored with Daktilo.


Some Rights Reserved.

All user specific content is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Daktilo is licensed under The MIT License.


Test Deployment.

ruby -v
gem -v
gcc -v && g++ -v && make -v

# Install jekyll and blunder.
gem install jekyll bundler

# Install dependencies.
bundle install

# Host on local.
bundle exec jekyll serve

Rebase and Squash all commits regularly.

git rebase -i $commit_hash

# Replace pick with squash
# for all commits except the
# first and the last.

# Replace pick with fixup -c
# for the last commit.

# Keep only the latest commit.

Delete the repository on GitHub and re-create after evertime a certain number of pull requests are recorded - this will erase the PRs from GitHub (because GitHub does not allow PR deletion on UI).

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