

Foundation 5 Jekyll blogging with rapid asset deployment.


This is the base for my own Jekyll based personal page. I was looking for a way to quickly get my assets in line while easily knocking down those pesky pagespeed warnings. This is a major work in progress for me as I learn more about Jekyll.

I decided to name it StarGazer in honor of Foundation 5 by Zurb. Thanks guys!

Stargazer includes:

I was originally using Octopress, but decided to work from scratch. I do think however, I may pull some things from Octopress to make my life easier.

###Version 0.0.4



  • Just Ruby!
$ git clone stargazer
$ cd stargazer
$ bundle install

$ rake preview for Sinatra


$ rake run for Unicorn (1 worker)


As StarGazer is Jekyll at its core, any plugins developed for Jekyll should work out of the box. Plugins are located in the plugins directory. I have started to add more plugins from Octopress as they are a great starting point for what I want out of this project.


StarGazer uses Jekyll-Assets for quick SASS/CSS and Javascript management, while easily compressing and gzipping everything into a nice package. Along with that, Rails-Assets is bundled in to bring in new assets without the need of downloading and organizing them yourself.

Add your custom assets to thier respective folders in the src/_assets directory and require them.

And just use rake preview!


Out of the box, this is ready to build and deploy to gh-pages. I pulled parts of the Rakefile in Octopress that will easily set up your pages branch, and push it up.

Currently, I am working on an easy way to push to Heroku and incorporate Amazon S3 hosting for the assets.

To deploy:

$ rake setup_github_pages
$ rake deploy


Testing is fairly basic right now, simply using HTML-Proofer as a way to make sure all HTML endpoints are working how they should. I'm looking to write test as they become relevant.

To run a test, open a terminal window and use:

$ rake test


See issues.


If you'd like to contribute to development, please fork and send a pull request! Any contributions are more than welcome and I would love to work with anyone and everyone who is interested!
