

skeleton for setting up a Jekyll blog that automatically builds and deploys on via GitHub Actions


A skeleton for setting up a Jekyll blog that automatically builds and deploys on via GitHub Actions


Set up Fly

  1. Sign up for a Fly account at
  2. Install the flyctl tool:
  3. Log into your new account by running flyctl auth login

Setup Your App

  1. Run flyctl launch to set up your app, answer as follows:
  2. Answer y to copy the existing configuration to your new app
  3. Choose an app name. This name is only used for Fly on your dashboard and your automatic dev url (example: and will not be visible to anyone else if using a custom domain name, so choose something memorable for yourself.
  4. Choose a region. Select whichever region is probably closest to you or whoever you think will visit your site. You can always update this later if needed:
  5. Note the "Admin URL" and "Hostname" given
  6. Answer N (or press enter) to creating a Postgresql database
  7. Answer N (or press enter) to creating a Redis database
  8. Answer y to deploy now
  9. Once it's completed successfully (see the message "--> v0 deployed successfully"), visit the hostname from step 4 to see the site up live. Unless you've changed anything, you should see the basic "Welcome to Fying Jekyll" page, identical to

Setup Your Domain (Optional)

  1. Run flyctl ips list to get your app's public IP
  2. In your domain provider's DNS settings, add an A record pointing to your v4 IP and an AAAA record pointing to your v6 IP. This will depend on your particular domain provider, but likely the "Host" will be @ and the "Value" will be the IP address for each record. Be sure to delete any other A records or CNAMEs from other configurations or parking pages.
  3. Run flyctl certs create replacing with your actual domain.
  4. Run flyctl certs show to check the status. This typically only takes a few minutes. You may be asked for an additional ownership verification: if the Status is "Ready" and there is a "DNS Validation Instructions" field listed, you will need to complete as directed. This is typically adding a CNAME in your domain's DNS from the given hostname (something like to the target value (something like Once completed, check again with flyctl certs show to see the status; this should also only take a few minutes. When finished you will see a message like "The certificate for has been issued."
  5. Verify that visiting your domain brings you to your "Welcome to Flying Jekyll" page.

Setup GitHub Actions

  1. Run flyctl auth token to get an API token for your app
  2. In your GitHub repository, click the Settings tab, and select Secrets and Variables > Actions from the left menu
  3. Click the "New repository secret" button and fill in the Name FLY_API_TOKEN and the Secret with the API token from step 1, then click Add secret
  4. Make some change to your site (like changing the text in index.markdown), and commit/push to your repository
  5. You can see the build Action status in the Actions tab on your repository's page. If it fails you will receive an email with error details.
  6. Once completed successfully, verify that you can see your changes on your site (either dev hostname or your custom domain)

Enjoy all the indescribable pleasures of owning a website