

Jekyll plugin that helps to generate tags and categories pages in wordpress style


Jekyll plugin that helps to generate tags and categories pages in wordpress style


Inspiration: then improved with categories pages.


Add categories.rb and tags.rb to you _plugins directory (or the one that you like to use).

  • To list all the categories links use the helper:

      {% list_categories %}
  • To list all the tags links use the helper:

      {% list_tags %}

The previous Liquid Tag will generate an unordered list with class list-categories (and list-tags). Each a tag will have a data-num-of-posts attribute with the number of posts associated with the correspongind category (or tag).

Categories/Tags layouts

The pages will be generated automatically in your _site directory based on a chosen layout:

  • In the _layout folder create a file (default names: categories.html and tags.html) with the layout you wish for the categories and tags pages.

In the Category Layout: add the following to list all the post.

    {% for post in site.categories[page.category] %}
        # post properties
    {% endfor %}

In the Tag Layout: add the following to list all the post.

    {% for post in site.tags[page.tag] %}
        # post properties
    {% endfor %}

Optional configuration

It is possible to override the following variables in the _config.yml:

# default values
site.category_dir = 'categories'    # /categories/ as category pages directory
site.category_layout = 'categories'    # _layout/categories.html as category page layout 

# default values
site.tag_dir = 'tags'        # /tags/ as tag pages directory
site.tag_layout = 'tags'    # _layout/tags.html as tag page layout 


Feel free to contribute or use the code, give me advice on my code, open issue or feature request. Cheers!


Available under the MIT license.