

Boilerplate code that helps you to build a static website for your game studio


Plastic is boilerplate code that helps you to build a simple website for your game or game studio. Plastic uses the static blogging engine Jekyll which is written in Ruby. Compared to blogging systems like Wordpress, a static blogging engine does not require any database or server-side scripts, thus making a site easier to deploy, faster to load and be able to handle more requests.

The project is prepopulated with example content from our game studio Spaces of Play. Please make sure to replace with your own content before deploying your website. See LICENSE for more information.

Table of Contents

Example site

This is what the example site looks like as of version 0.0.5.

Local setup

To run Jekyll locally you need to have Ruby installed.

Install Ruby on Windows

  1. First, download and install Ruby 1.9.3.

  2. Now download the Ruby Development Kit.

  3. Double-click the self-extracting executable and choose C:\DevKit as the directory to install the files into.

  4. Open Start Command Prompt with Ruby and type the following:

    cd C:\DevKit
    ruby dk.rb init
    ruby dk.rb install

Ruby is now installed on your Windows machine. Always use the Ruby Command Prompt with the typing terminal commands mentioned below.

Install Ruby on OS X

  1. If you don't have already, install Homebrew.

  2. Install rbenv via Homebrew.

  3. Run rbenv install 1.9.3-p551

  4. cd into your project directoy and run rbenv local 1.9.3-p551

Ruby is now setup on your Mac.

Install Jekyll

To install Jekyll cd into the project directory and then run:

gem install bundler
bundle install --without heroku

Run the site locally

Start the Jekyll server to be able to view the site locally in your browser.

jekyll serve --no-watch

Open in your browser to view the site.

To preview your changes (such as a new blog post), open a second Command Prompt and then run the following command to export the site into the _site folder:

jekyll build

(The second Command Prompt allows you to keep the server running, instead of stopping and starting it again between building.)

Site structure

All folders in the project that do not start with an underscore are accessible on the website.

The homepage is represented by index.html in the project directory. General information about your studio is stored in _data/studio.yml.

Game pages

Adding a new game

To add a new game, duplicate an existing game folder (e.g. future-unfolding) to use as a template. Name the new folder after your game using - instead of spaces. Open the file _includes/navigation and add a link to the game page inside the ul element.

Promoter integration

You can load public review quotes and awards from Promoter automatically for each game page. In the Front Matter of your game page, set the promoter-url variable to your the url of your public page (without http://). The reviews and awards will be displayed inside the <ul id="awards"></ul> and <ul id="reviews"></ul> container tags. You can move the container tags around on your page however you wish. You can also delete one of them if you only want to display awards or review quotes.

Plastic allows you to quickly add a simple gallery with screenshots to each game page. See future-unfolding/index.html for an example. Note that the slug front matter must be set to the name of the folder where you game page resides.

Social icons

Plastic supports quick and easy inclusion of social icons for Twitch, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. See future-unfolding/index.html for an example.

Twitter cards and Facebook Open Graph

It is recommended to provide a key art asset or screenshot of your game that will automatically be displayed when someone shares the url of your game page on Twitter or Facebook. In the example setup, the path for that image is _assets/images/future-unfolding/social. The name of your image file is defined in the front matter:

  image: futureunfolding.jpg

Writing blog posts

To create a new blog post, create a new file in _posts with the following file name syntax:

You can use both Markdown as well as plain HTML to write your blog posts.

You can keep unfinished drafts of your blog posts in the drafts folder.

Author data for blog posts is stored in _data/authors.yml.


Images are stored in the _assets/images folder. To display an image on a page use the following syntax:

{% image logo.png alt="Logo" %}

Images should have double the size of the size that they are rendered in the browser to account for high-resolution (Retina) displays if possible.

  • Blog post images should have a width of 1620px if they should span the whole column
  • Game screenshots for image galleries should use the original size so they are easy for press to download and use in good quality


There are five different layout templates available:

  • page (general pages such as contact)
  • post (blog posts)
  • game (game pages)

You can choose the layout for a page using the so-called Front Matter in Jekyll (a fancy word for meta data).


Color schemes

You can define a color scheme per page. This is useful if you for example want a game page to reflect the color scheme of your game. Schemes are defined in the front matter of a page:

  - '#ffefc1'
  - '#e31616'
  - '#610b0b'

Colors are defined in the following order:

  1. background color
  2. link color
  3. body text color

Background images

You can specify a background image per page that will automatically stretch to fill the complete background of the page.

background_image: "future-unfolding/gallery/futureunfolding_1.jpg"


Google Analytics

If you want to use Google Analytics add your Tracking ID to the _data/config.yml file. If you don't want to use it, please remove the line google_analytics: UA-XXXXXXXX-X from the config file.

Plastic comes with a default cookie consent dialog that informs users about your use of cookies on the site. Cookies are for example used by third-party services like Google Analytics. You can configure the cookie consent dialog in the _data/config.yml file. Privacy laws differ from country to country, so please make sure you're following the rules applicable to where your company is based. More information about cookie consent.


To build and deploy the site run the following command:


When being asked, enter your FTP password.

Import from Wordpress

To import your existing blog from your Wordpress installation, follow the instructions here.

Thank you

  • Rudolf Kremers for allowing me to open source my Jekyll setup that has initially been created for his studio website
  • Ed Key for being the first test user of Plastic
  • Erik Svedäng for introducing me to Jekyll


To update the TOS for this README run:

doctoc --title "# Table of Contents"


  • Deploy to Heroku Button
  • GitHub pages support


Plastic is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.

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