

jQuery plugin to use Github comments on a Jekyll blog.

!This plugin is still in development and not ready for use just yet!



Include src/jquery.hasty.js from this repository in the head of your HTML.

Include a theme containing a stylesheet and possible a template file. You can use the default theme (/theme) in this repository to get started.


Call the plugin on the comments container and supply options as needed:

    // [OPTIONS]

If you're using the jekyll-hasty gem, the selector will be #comments.


githubUser [String]

Github user name.

Defaults to the data-github-user attribute of the selected element.

githubRepo [String]

Github repository name.

Defaults to the data-github-repo attribute of the selected element.

commitIDs [Array]

Array of sha commit ID hashes. Defining commits relevant for the article at hand. Usually a list of commits changing the article.

Defaults to the data-commit-ids attribute of the selected element.

template [String|Object]

The template used by the renderer to display the comments. Supply a custom template as string, a URL (to load the template via AJAX) or a jQuery object to read the contents of e.g. a script tag.

A default template is included in the default theme which will be loaded from


renderer [Object]

The renderer used to render the template into HTML. Every custom renderer must implement a render method which accepts two arguments:

Mustache.render(template, data)

# template:   the template as string
# data:       object holding commits and comments

By default Mustache is used.

perPage [Integer]

Defines how many comments are shown per page.

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