

Awesome starter kit for Jekyll static site generator

Jekyll blog starter by Prettystack


This is a starter kit to build a Jekyll powered blog in a matter of minutes. It contains optional integration to external services such as Disqus, Google Analytics, Facebook, ... This starter kit comes with a superb theme by HTML5 UP and some placeholder content from the Gutenberg project.

Make sure to check out all our starter kits, we will soon have starter kits for corporate website and admin interface.


Browse the live preview hosted on Github Pages.

Getting started

  • Clone repository (git clone
  • Install Ruby and Bundler
  • Install project dependencies with bundle install
  • Launch test server jekyll serve --watch --config _config.yml,_themes/striped/_config.yml
  • Browse the site at localhost:4000
  • If necessary you can migrate your existing blog
  • Remove placeholder text and images from _posts and images folders
  • Customize your _config.yml (see configuration below)
  • Add new markdown files in the _posts directory to create posts


Read the commented _config.yml file for basic configuration.

Theme selection

You must load the theme configuration in addition to the standard _config.yml file when you launch Jekyll. The extra configuration is located in the theme subdirectory (for instance: _themes/striped/_config.yml).

$ jekyll serve --watch --config _config.yml,themes/striped/_config.yml

Disqus integration

Add your disqus shortname in _config.yml to enable disqus threads. For correct display, go to settings/general and only keep numbers in "Comment Count Link".

Google analytics

Create an account at google analytics, and add your tracking ID (should look like UA-12345678-1) in your _config.yml.

Google webmaster

Add your google webmaster verification code in your _config.yml.


Github Pages

Edit the variables in the Rakefile to set your Github repository, then you can issue a rake deploy:github





  • Text: "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" by Miguel de Cervantes (public domain)
  • Illustrations by Gustave Doré (public domain)
  • Public domain novel made available by the Gutenberg project



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