

A Jekyll plugin for creating photo galleries


Tenji is a powerful image gallery plugin for Jekyll.


Image galleries suit themselves to static site generation but there are few options available. Tenji is a plugin for creating image galleries using Jekyll.

Tenji features customisable directory names, easy pagination, flexible sorting, hidden galleries and thumbnail generation for high density displays. It embraces convention over configuration that makes it simple to get started while at the same time providing a large number of options for those who like to make things just so.


The easiest way to install Tenji is to add gem "jekyll-tenji" to the :jekyll-plugins group in your Gemfile. Now all you need to do is run bundle install. See the Jekyll documentation for more information on how to install Jekyll plugins.


To use Tenji:

  1. create the following template files in your template directory (by default, _layouts):
    • gallery_list.html;
    • gallery_index.html;
    • gallery_single.html;
  2. create a directory for your galleries (by default, _albums);
  3. put your images in separate subdirectories;
  4. generate the site by running jekyll build.

Voila! Your images are now ready for the world to see.


You can customise the way Tenji works by adding options to your configuration file (by default, _config.yml).

See the Tenji documentation for more information on configuring Tenji.


Tenji has been tested with Ruby 2.5.0 and Jekyll 3.8.4.


Found a bug? I'd love to know about it. The best way is to report the bug in the Issues section on GitHub.


If you're interested in contributing to Tenji, feel free to fork and submit a pull request.


Tenji uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


Tenji is released into the public domain. See for more details.