

A template for a personal wiki using Jekyll.

Jekyll wiki template

A Jekyll site template that makes it easier to develop a static personal wiki.

Why a personal wiki?

I'm bad at remembering things. Worse, when I have lots of things to remember, keeping them in my mind saps my concentration. Knowing this, I occasionally write post-it notes or make small text files. But the contents can be varied (I might want to write down some notes for a game, or how to solve a common computer problem), and I didn't have a central place to hold all those memos.

Enter the wiki. You can put all types of information and knowledge into a central place and easily recall anything in it. My wiki template also does lots of other useful things such as shortening common syntax (e.g. linking to other wiki pages), generating a table of contents for each page, and making frontmatter optional.


Getting started with a new wiki is simple. Just clone the repo:

git clone <site-dir>
cd <site-dir>

Delete the .git directory:

rm -rf .git

And you're good to go! You'll probably want to create a new Git repository:

git init

Now you're all set up with a new wiki in an empty repo.


All code is made available under the MIT license (see LICENSE).


  • Talk about how it can be used
  • Expects a favicon at favicon.png