

A simple Jekyll-based presentation tool

It's the Presentation Tool!

Make simple, easy presentations using Markdown

To create a presentation:

  1. Create a file in _posts named YYYY-MM-DD-some-title.html
  2. Set up the yaml block at the top of your file (see example below)
  3. Write your slides in Markdown

Put this at the top of your file:

title: Your Proper Title
layout: presentation

Use --- as a slide separator. If you want the text to appear centered, use class: center, middle

Example presentation:

title: Your Proper Title
layout: presentation

class: center, middle

# My Presentation


## <big>My List</big>
0. Item 1
  - sub item 1
  - sub item 2
0. Item 2
  - etc

To run/test a presentation

Install Jekyll

gem install jekyll

Run the server:

# NOTE: the `-w` option will reload the pages as you change them
# instead of having to stop and start the server.
> jekyll serve -w

Then visit localhost:4000


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