

Rails Girls Tutorials (Jekyll Bootstrap based website)

Rails Girls App generator

This app can be used to bootstrap resources creating your first Rails app. It adds comments to steps in the Rails Girls guide, explaining what's going on in more detail. The Rails Girls App generator works like a mini-inline tutorial that gives pointers to other guides or additional resources, without cluttering what should be an easy-to-go-through document.

Steps to create new rails application

git clone https://github.com/railsgirls-generator-app/railsgirls-app.git
cd railsgirls-app/app

Setup instructions

  • Install dependencies
bundle install
  • Create new Controller
rails generate controller <ControllerName>
  • Create new Model
rails generate model <ModelName>
  • Create new Scaffold
rails generate scaffold <FileName>



rails server

And open in your browser


Additional Guides

Rails Girls app tutorials

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