

Simple and beautiful blogging theme for Jekyll/GitHub Pages. Includes social integrations with Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Last.fm, and SoundCloud.


Wonderland is a simple blogging template for Jekyll/GitHub Pages that includes social integrations with Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Last.fm, and SoundCloud.

This is a port of @rigoneri's syte, which runs on Python. Unlike syte, Wonderland serves up entirely static pages and uses client-side javascript to call the external APIs, which allows you to deploy your blog on GitHub Pages, which is free, easy, and rad.

You can see a live demo here.


  1. Fork this repo

  2. Edit variables in _config.yml

  3. Remove my _posts/ directory and add your own blog posts

  4. Remove my contact/index.md page and add your own static pages (and update the nav in _includes/header.ext)

  5. Push your changes to GitHub and the site will automatically build

Inspiration & Credits

A ton of this code is pulled from @rigoneri's syte. Credit also to @mertemin for purus, a handy extraction of syte's core stylesheets.
