

Port of the Story (Hugo/remark) theme to Jekyll

Jekyll Remark Story (Story for Remark, on Jekyll)

The great Story theme by xaprb is a great theme, to enhance the styling of Remark slides. However, it is mostly available through a Hugo theme, so here is a Jekyll version.


  1. Clone this repo (or your own fork)
  2. $ bundle install
  3. $ bundle exec jekyll serve

Create a new presentation

  1. Create the folder for your presentation:

    mkdir <name-of-presentation>

  2. Create and edit an file in this new folder:

    vim <name-of-presentation>/

  3. Fill it with your Remark slide content:


    title: "" date: 2021-10-16 ratio: "16:9"

    layout: story

    A first slide

    With some content

4. Look at the example Story presentation for ideas on how to organise and
   style the slides. The live version is
   [here](, while the source is
   available in this repo (see `./adirondack/`).

<!-- vim: set ft=markdown: -->
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