

My github page/blog created using Jekyll and Twitter Bootstrap

This is the README of my self project, which is making a blog using Jekyll, Twitter Bootstrap and hosting it on github.

This self project is mainly for me to be able to create a blog of my own, familiarize myself with html, css, git commands, and the multiple things I can do with Twitter Bootstrap and Jekyll. I have to admit that I am no web designer, so at least being good at using Twitter Bootstrap with basic to advance html and css skills should at least do the trick for a while.

This is a side project for me, as I am finishing the Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App, which is a twitter clone. Basically I am almost finished with it, but at the moment I am sidetracked because of the blog thingy. I aim to be a Ruby on Rails Developer, but with a very scarce knowledge about Web Development, I have to start at the bottom, and this is a cool and fun way for me to do it. I write alot of things, not just coding, but really long essays, stuff I want think about and even short stories of my own. Making a blog for it would be awesome.

So for now, this is my introduction. Thank you for reading and sorry for wasting 2 minutes of your time.

Note: There might be a time that I will create a similar blog such as this somewhere else using Ruby on Rails. But as this is a nice thing, I will keep updating this, as I do not need Internet to create posts in here. :)