

Filter to encode URI component like JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() for Jekyll/Octopress.


Filter to encode URI component like JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() for Jekyll/Octopress.


Copy plugins/keyboardkey.rb to your plugins directory. That's all!


Use as a filter for Liquid values like

This is original: {{site.url}}

This is encoded: {{site.url|encodeURIComponent}}

If the site.url is http://rcmdnk.github.io/, this will be

This is original: http://rcmdnk.github.io/

This is encoded: http%3A%2F%2Frcmdnk.github.io%2F

This is useful especially if you want to pass uri to such tumblr's share link:

<a href="http://www.tumblr.com/share/link?url={{page.url|encodeURIComponent}}&name={{page.title|encodeURIComponent}}&description={{page.description|strip_html|condense_spaces|truncate:150|encodeURIComponent}}" title="Share on Tumblr" class="tumblr_button" style="">Tumblr</a>

Original buttons (Buttons | Tumblr) are provided with additional JavaScript to encode these items. But you don't need such script with this filter and can write directly in one place.