

Gulp, Sass, jekyll and Browsersync configuration for new websites


Gulp, Sass, jekyll and Browsersync configuration for new websites

Getting Started

Clone this repo and run the init script. That will leave you with:

  • A basic jekyll structure;
  • Blank assets files (functions.js and main.sass);
  • A index-header-footer boilerplate;
  • A gulp configuration ready to:
    • Concatenate, preprocess (Sass, compressed) and autoprefix your stylesheets;
    • Concatenate, preprocess (Babel) and minify your scripts.
  • A NEW git repository;
  • A running browser-sync server.

Please, note that the init script will destroy the bare repo and initiate a new repo on it's place.


To use Bare you'll need:

  • Ruby;
  • jekyll;
  • Node;
  • Yarn (or NPM);


Node and npm

Check if you have Node and npm:

$ node --version

$ npm --version

The output should be like that. If some command output an error instead of the software version, install Node and npm. The installation may differ from distro to distro, and it's best to learn how to install from your distro wiki.

Alternatively, Bare can work with a package manager called Yarn. Yarn works with the npm base repositories, but have some improvements upon npm itself.

Ruby and jekyll

Check if you have Ruby installed:

$ ruby --version
ruby 2.4.2p198 (2017-09-14 revision 59899) [x86_64-linux]

You can learn how to install Ruby on your distro wiki.

You can check if you have the jekyll gem installed with:

$ jekyll --version
jekyll 3.6.2

In case of error, you can install it with:

$ gem install jekyll


Now, all you need to do is clone the repo and run the init script:

$ git clone my_bare_new_website
$ cd my_bare_new_website/
$ ./

The script will perform this actions for you:

  1. Test for Ruby, jekyll and NPM;
  2. Install node dependencies;
  3. Create jekyll basic file structure;
  4. Remove the init script;
  5. Destroy the git repo;
  6. Create a brand new git repo and make the first commit;
  7. Start the Browsersync server.

Note that you can ignore this step and perform the required actions by hand.


  • Rafael D Martins


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details