

Starter kit for Jekyll using a Gulp build with BrowserSync, ES2015 transpilation, sane defaults, and much more

Jekyll Starter Kit with Gulp Asset Pipeline


  1. Jekyll
  2. Node and NPM
  3. Git

If you have not installed any of the above already and are new to the command line, I would recommend installing Node/NPM and Git via Homebrew. Jekyll's official site includes decent instructions for installation.

Getting Started

  1. cd whatever/directory/you/want/to/work/from
  2. git clone
  3. cd jekyll-gulp-starter/gulp
  4. npm install && gulp
  5. If your default browser doesn't open automatically, navigate to localhost:3000. You should see "Jekyll Starter with Gulp Asset Pipeline." Enjoy the BrowserSync magic.


This is a port of a Hugo Starter Kit I'm developing but with a different feature set. Unlike Hugo, Jekyll does not come with a LiveReload option as part of its local server.


  • GitHub wiki to describe documentation
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