

The Jekyll Source code for our main website that links to all other blogs & gallery pages etc

Our Digital Home

Here resides the source code for our digital home site. The site contains 'network' pages like a global archive for all the different blogs, author pages and links to all the posts on each individual blog site. At the beginning of 2014, after a number of years using WordPress as my main blogging platform, I decided it was time for a change. So, I then adopted the Jekyll blogging platform hosted at GitHub Pages.

Again, after a while I found that GitHub Pages was quite limiting with what you can easily do and I was running Rakefiles and separate branches for the source and the code for displaying the site etc. I therefore started moving my sites over to GitLab Pages in 2016 so that I could continue to make use of the flickr plugin without the need to build the site and upload the build separately. Now we are on GitLab pages for most/all of the network sites and when I make changes, or add a new post etc, I just have to push the commits to GitLab and the pages are built and put online automagically :smiley:

For more information about the original migration process I followed see my blog series.

This site has also been simplified and does not generate/display any of it's own posts as it did before (not that anyone would have known) because I now have a better understanding of how Jekyll works :smiley:.