

A simple jekyll theme for a personal page.

The Wallpaper Home Jekyll Theme

A simple theme for building a personal site with Jekyll. The home page uses light text over a picture of your choice. The rest of the pages are arranged within a light or a dark background. Besides the home page, the theme includes a layout for a blog and a portfolio. Demo.


For use outside github-pages

Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-theme-wallpaper-home"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-theme-wallpaper-home

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-theme-wallpaper-home

For github-pages

Edit your _config.yml, comment out the theme: line and add this one:

#theme: jekyll-theme-wallpaper-home
remote_theme: rmvegasm/jekyll-theme-wallpaper-home


The _config.yml file

Site configuration

  • url: the full address to your site.

  • baseurl: the subpath where your site is hosted, if it differs from the root of the domain. Both of these values are used in filters to render appropriate link url's throughout the site. Check the Jekyll docs for more details.

  • title: your site's title. This will be used to inform search engines, but also for the site's brand element in the navbar.

  • author: the site's author. Will also be the default author for posts when there is no other value within the frontmatter.

  • logo: the relative path to the site's logo.

  • background-img: the relative path to the image to be used as wallpaper.

  • overlay-top:, overlay-bottom: the wallpaper image is overlaid by a black, semi transparent layer to improve readability. These two values control the opacity at the top and bottom.

  • intro-width: the width of the intro message displayed in the home page. You can adjust this to accomodate the length of your text.

  • link-color: the color to use for links, in hexadecimal notation. Use it to select a color that plays well with your wallpaper image. This will be the color of every link in the page, including social icons in the footer.

  • dark: boolean, if true the the site is rendered with light text over a dark background. This option also affects the syntax schema used, unless you provide one explicitly via the syntax-theme: option.

  • math: boolean, set to true if you plan to use math. You can also set it in the frontmatter if you need math for only some pages rather than site--wide.

Google fonts

  • google-fonts: optional, set your favorite google fonts. You can specify up to three different fonts for regular text, headings and code. Provide the string as expected by google fonts, as in "Source+Code+Pro:300".
  • social: provide your username to get a social--media link in the footer, with the following exceptions:
    • mail: your full e--mail address
    • rss: boolean, if true generate rss feed
    • linkedin: provide the full url
    • researchgate: provide the full url
    • stack_exchange: provide the full url
  • footer-text: the text in the footer. HTML markup is needed here.

Build settings

Most of this section should not be touched, specially if your target is github--pages. syntax-theme: allows you to use a costum syntax highlighting scheme, see this blog post for details.


Currently not working...


Don't touch.


  • default: Includes the head and tail, content in between. This loads the stylesheets and scripts for other layouts.

  • home: renders the content as centered text. Also includes the header with the navbar and the footer with social icons and footer--text.

  • page: includes the header, and renders the page title and optional subtitle in a transparent container, overlaying the background image. Content and footer are rendered whithin a dark or a light box, depending on the value of site.dark.

  • post: similar to the page layout, but title, optional subtitle, date and tags are used to build a frontmatter within the same box. Date can be omitted by including no-date: true in the yaml frontmatter.

  • blog: uses the page layout, and lists the files in _posts as blog entries. The looping and structure of each entry is done by _includes/blog.html.

  • portfolio: similar to the blog layout, but arranges the files in _portfolio as a grid. These files are expected to include an img: value within the frontmatter. Looping and structure is done by _includes/portfolio.html.


  • head: the <head> element, and the opening <body>.

  • header: builds the navbar and the titlematter for page layouts.

  • resolve-dark: this snippet searches for the value of dark within the site and page metadata, and assigns a variable dark accordingly. Is called by _includes/footer.html, _includes/tags.html and _layouts/page.html.

  • footer: generates the icons and links for every value in, appends the footer--text.

  • icons: loops through and if there is a value for any item, builds a link on the corresponding icon. Is called by _includes/footer.html.

  • tags: loops through a page's tags and builds a pill for each of them. Is called by _includes/blog.html and _includes/portfolio.html.

  • blog: loops through the files in _posts/ and builds a bootstrap "jumbotron" for each one. Is called by _layouts/blog.html.

  • portfolio: loops through the files in _portfolio/ and builds a boostrap "card" for each one. Is called by _layouts/portfolio.html.

  • tail: includes the bootstrap scripts and the closing </body> and </html> tags.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at rmvegasm/jekyll-theme-wallpaper-home. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.