

My default Jekyll/S3 website starter template

Site Starter

My standard website starter template. Jekyll build hosted on S3/Cloudfront.


Getting started

If you don't have Homebrew, Ruby, Bundler, Node.js or Gulp already – follow the starting from scratch instructions first.

Configure new site locally

  1. git clone [email protected]:robbiemanson/site-starter.git into a new directory, or download zip
  2. bundle install to install Gems
  3. brew install imagemagick && brew install graphicsmagick for Gulp-powered image resizing
  4. npm install to install NPM packages
  5. Restart terminal

You can now start local development

Find + replace important elements

  1. Replace all instances of with URL of new site
  2. Replace instances of Site Owner
  3. Replace instances of with staging asset URL (e.g. Cloudfront distribution URL)
  4. Replace favicon.png

Configure hosting

  • Configure domain on Route 53 including assets. and staging. subdomains (see one of the other examples e.g.
  • Create new S3 bucket with website hosting enabled; follow settings of another functioning example e.g.
  • Create new S3 bucket to function as a redirect to actual bucket just created above; see existing functioning example for settings e.g.
  • Add s3_id, s3_secret and s3_bucket details in both s3_website.yml files
  • Create new CloudFront distributions (see existing examples) for both production and staging URLs, add IDs to each of the relevant s3_website.yml files, then replace the Cloudfront URL in head.html
  • Depending on index/homepage name of the site, may need to update 'Home' title in head.html

Local development

Open terminal and run:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

This will compile the site and recompile as new HTML/file structure changes are made.

Open another terminal window and run:

$ gulp

This will open a new browser tab running Browsersync and auto-reload when any HTML, SCSS, JS or media changes.

Hosting and deployment

  • Hosted on S3, with CloudFront distribution. Deployed using s3_website.
  • Deployment config files live in separate production and staging folders at root level
  • Remember to run s3_website cfg apply before pushing, if any changes are made to either config in s3_website.yml

Staging deploy (

  1. Ensure asset_url in _config.yml is pointing to correct CloudFront URL
  2. bundle exec jekyll serve > gulp deploy-prep > QA, especially: /pattern-library
  3. s3_website push --config-dir=config_staging --dry-run to check changes before pushing
  4. s3_website push --config-dir=config_staging

Production deploy

  1. Ensure asset_url in _config.yml is pointing to correct CloudFront URL
  2. bundle exec jekyll serve > gulp deploy-prep > QA, especially: /pattern-library
  3. s3_website push --config-dir=config_production --dry-run to check changes before pushing
  4. s3_website push --config-dir=config_production

Writing blog posts

Follow instructions at:

Image processing

To resize and minify full sized photos (will take at least a few mins to run):

$ gulp photos

Starting from scratch

If haven't used Site Starter on your machine before

  1. Install Homebrew
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install ruby-install (confirm: ruby-install -V)
    brew install ruby-install
  3. Install Ruby 2.3.3 (confirm: check ~/.rubies, then restart terminal)
    ruby-install ruby 2.3.3
  4. Install chruby (confirm: restart terminal, then chruby)
    brew install chruby
  5. Switch to newly installed ruby 2.3.3
    chruby 2.3.3
  6. Add line to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
    source /usr/local/opt/chruby/share/chruby/
  7. Enable auto-switching of Ruby version by adding these lines to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
    source /usr/local/share/chruby/
    source /usr/local/share/chruby/
  8. Install Bundler
    gem install bundler -v '1.13.7'
  9. Install Node.js v6.9.4 for npm usage (must be v6.9.4)
  10. Install Gulp 1.2.2 globally
    sudo npm install [email protected] -g

Now follow instructions to configure a new site locally!

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