This Repository Contains Jekyll Blog Structure Which Implements Sility Resume VCard html material Design HTML template This can be as is used to Host a blog and Portfolio Site Using Github Pages
For Demo :
HTML Design was utilized from
####To Change Colors Just Need to Change Base Color Value ($basecolor) in _sass/_color.scss
25 November 2015
Initial Release
19 December 2015
completed Portfolio updating in Jekyll style.
#How to Create an Item for blog
Add file similar to sample post in blog/_posts folder fill in all the properties needed for Post to render above ..... in the post file. and commit it to github.
#How to create an Item for Work
Add file similar to sample work in work/_posts folder fill in all the properties needed for work to render above ..... in the work file. and commit it to github.
for Any Queries or issues raise in github.
GEM Dependencies: