

Build static websites with Jekyll, Gulp, PostCSS & SCSS.



  • Jekyll
  • Gulp
  • SCSS + PostCSS
  • LostGrid & Autoprefixer (PostCSS)
  • Asset compilation (images, svg, javascripts, stylesheets)


  • Ruby
  • Node.js
  • Yarn
  • Gulp

Where things go

Place all of your assets in _assets:

$ tree _assets

├── images
│   └── sample.jpg
├── js
│   └── application.js
├── scss
│   └── application.scss
└── svg
    └── sample.svg

Files with matching extensions will be watched and compiled into assets so Jekyll will make them available in the final build and keep compiled versions out of source control.

How would you add Bootstrap?

Add Bootstrap to the include paths in gulpfile.babel.js.

$ yarn add [email protected] tether jquery --dev

const includePaths = {
  js: [
  stylesheets: [
  1. This will automatically include any referenced javascript files in application.min.js.
  2. This will only add SCSS paths into the @import mixin. You will need to import any referenced files in application.scss.


yarn start
Start jekyll and gulp.

yarn gulp:watch
Start gulp.

yarn gulp:js
Compile and watch js files.

yarn gulp:sass
Compile and watch scss files.

yarn gulp:svg
Compile and watch svg files.

yarn gulp:images
Compile and watch image files.

yarn jekyll:serve
Start jekyll.

yarn jekyll:build
Run jekyll build with current assets.

yarn build
Build for production.

Known bugs

Gulp/filesystem watcher doesn't recongize new files and you must restart gulp/jekyll.