jekyll-task-i18n is a preprocessor for Jekyll to support i18n.
There are some i18n softwares for Jekyll that are implemented as Jekyll plugin such as jekyll-localization and jekyll-i18n. jekyll-task-i18n uses preprocessor approach instead of Jekyll plugin. This approach has the following advantages:
You can't use Jekyll plugins on GitHub Pages. So you can't use Jekyll plugin based approaches too.
jekyll-localization uses {{ 'translate target content' | t: 'translated content' }}
markup. jekyll-i18n uses {%t Your translated content %}
jekyll-task-i18n extracts translate target content from source as preprocessor. So you don't need to mark your source up.
Create the following Gemfile
source ""
gem "jekyll-task-i18n"
Create the following Rakefile
require "bundler/setup"
require "jekyll/task/i18n"
Jekyll::Task::I18n.define do |task|
# Set translate target locales.
task.locales = ["ja", "fr"]
# Set all *.md texts as translate target contents.
task.files = Rake::FileList["**/*.md"]
# Remove internal files from target contents.
task.files -= Rake::FileList["_*/**/*.md"]
# Remove translated files from target contents.
task.locales.each do |locale|
task.files -= Rake::FileList["#{locale}/**/*.md"]
Add the following line to _config.yml
exclude: ["Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock", "Rakefile"]
Install dependency softwares:
% bundle
Here is a work-flow to translate one documentation in English:
.jekyll server
.Here is an example to translate overview/
into Japanese.
Run rake
% rake
Translate _po/ja/overview/index.edit.po
% gedit _po/ja/overview/index.edit.po
Note: You can use PO editor instead of text editor. For example, Emacs's po-mode, Vim, Gtranslator, Lokalize and so on.
Run rake
% rake
Run jekyll server
% jekyll server &
Confirm _site/ja/overview/index.html
% firefox http://localhost:4000/ja/overview/index.html
Commit _po/ja/overview/index.po
and ja/overview/
% git add _po/ja/overview/index.po
% git add ja/overview/
% git commit
% git push
LGPLv2 only. See LICENSE.txt for detail.